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hey jude: it really gave me a couple of good laughs to read this article as it pretty much reflects how i feel about all this tech-driven culture.

i still take the subway from queens to manhattan for work and still do not have a cellphone. but i must have a book for reading.

otherwise i wouldn't know what to do with so many questionable looking characters on the train some sleeping across the seats

and some on their way to work as well at 5:00am. of the ones awake 90% are on their phones. of course i feel like i need to join

in at some point and get myself a cell phone for a number of practical reasons. but it does sometimes look as if we're breeding an

upcoming generation of automatons just wandering around not aware of their immediate surroundings while focusing on their

hand held tiny screens. anyway jude thanks for the laughs through your writing and your general joie de vivre you've always shown

in the past. glad to see you're still writing/cooking etc. keep up the good work! best always-john

From: The Googling gourmet

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